Canada Intra-Company Transferee (ICT) Program for Bangladeshi Business Owners


Canada is often celebrated for its diversity, economic stability, and welcoming environment for immigrants. The country’s pro-immigration policies offer a range of pathways for individuals to move to Canada, one of which is the Intra-Company Transferee (ICT) program. 

This program is an attractive avenue for Bangladeshi business owners seeking to expand their horizons and establish a presence in Canada. 

The Canada ICT program is designed to facilitate the temporary transfer of qualified employees from foreign branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of a Canadian company to its Canadian location. Bangladeshi Business owners can also transfer themselves to Canada to operate Canadian businesses


Benefits of the Canada ICT Program for Bangladeshi Business Owners

  • Business Expansion: The Canada ICT program allows Bangladeshi business owners to transfer essential personnel (Including the owners) to Canada to manage their Canadian branch or subsidiary.
  • Quick visa approval: Intra intra-company transferee program is approved within months. So this could be the fastest way to land in Canada.
  • Free education for kids: Holders of this visa can enjoy free education facilities for their children in Canada.
  • No minimum investment: Unlike other business immigration programs, ICT does not require any minimum investments at all.
  • Permanent Residency Pathway: Intra intra-company transferee program is one of the easiest pathways for Bangladeshi business owners to get Canadian PR. Our Canadian lawyer will guide on how to get PR as quickly as possible.

Visa Requirements for Bangladeshi Business Owners

To take advantage of the Canada ICT program, Bangladeshi business owners must meet specific eligibility criteria and navigate the visa application process. Here are the key requirements:

  • Employment with a Qualifying Entity: Business owners must be part of a qualifying entity, which may include a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate with a pre-existing business relationship in Canada.
  • Proof of Business Relationship: Documentation demonstrating the business relationship between the foreign entity and the Canadian branch, such as contracts, financial statements, and business plans, is essential.
  • Transfer Duration: The ICT program is typically valid for up to seven years.
  • Criminal and Medical Checks: Applicants must undergo background checks and provide a medical examination certificate.
  • Biometrics and Visa Application: Business owners need to submit biometrics and complete the visa application process, which may be done online or at a Visa Application Center.

The Canada Intra-Company Transferee (ICT) program offers a valuable opportunity for Bangladeshi business owners looking to expand their businesses into the Canadian market. It provides a range of benefits, from business growth and market access to personal and professional development. 

By meeting the visa requirements and undergoing the application process, Bangladeshi entrepreneurs can explore the vast opportunities that Canada has to offer while contributing to the country’s vibrant and diverse business landscape. As they embark on their journey, they can also consider the ICT program as a potential pathway to permanent residency, allowing them to call Canada home for the long term.


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